Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Embracing Myself

Today I shall embrace myself. And that means, all of myself.

Chances are, if you know me, you think I'm pretty nice. Heck, I have a whole yearbook full of "nice." And, I usually think I'm pretty nice too.

But when things get funky in my world, which usually means health or finances, I find there are some  murky thoughts lurking underneath the nice. Not the conscious thoughts, but the ones that wander in when I'm drifting off to sleep, or the random images during meditation. They're kind of dark, or (worse) plebian and mundane.

The other day, Jeff Foster posted an excellent thought on Facebook... the gist of which was - Don't try to fix yourself; just hold yourself "in the loving arms of present awareness." (the full thought is on the picture of the baby, at the Jeff Foster FB page.)

And today, I realized that applies to me. I've been trying to shove away the thought patterns I don't like. Or skirt them. Or stomp them out or drown them with glitter. But they are my thoughts. They are my gremlins and viruses and grumbles and fears.

What would I do for anyone else who felt icky? Grumpy? Grumbly? Unsparkly? I would offer them a hug. And gods know I crave hugs.

So, what is my best move to help myself? Give myself a hug.

Like the emotion of Sadness in Inside Out, I don't need to abolish any of these thoughts, feelings. They are a part of me, and they let me know what's going on. I accept them.

Every dark thought, every boring film that plays in my mind, every part of me that watches the slow tick of the clock... I am hugging all of them. All of me. 

I embrace myself.

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