Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Keeping it simple

Today I will practice keeping it simple.

Today I try to stick to the basics. I realize I have a tendency to make everything complex and flowery. I love the intricicies of complex things. And I love being able to navigate complexities.

Like logic puzzles. Or seeing three meanings in a sentence.

But many people aren't like that, so it becomes difficult to communicate. Or to sell my services.
And things aren't really like that. Things, events, people, sentences, even logic problems, are spring from very simple things.

Like when we break down any physical items, in the end it comes down to the atoms with which it was built.

And the beauty of something, or the complexity, is in how each of those atoms comes together. Or doesn't. Simple. Basic.

I can always "complex it up", if it is the right moment, the right character, the right post.
And chances are, my simple can still be a maze of words of ideas for others to wonder through, if they choose.

But we do all speak a different language. And if I want people to want to read what I write - which I do, because that's how I communicate best! - then I want to find the simple. The easy. The basic. So we're all "talking" about the same thing.

Today I will practice keeping it simple.

I hope you have a great day!

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